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EU Life . Natura 2000 .

Shad breeding

In early 2008, the pilot plant for breeding allis shad was opened in Bruch, France. This plant is unique in Europe and was developed by project partners, MIGADO and CEMAGREF in collaboration with fish farmer, Patrice Astre and the Fédération de Pêche du Lot-et-Garonne (the Lot-et-Garonne Fishing Federation). The French fishing federation (FD 47) provided part of its existing fish breeding stock for the creation of the plant. In 2008, approximately 500,000 allis shad larvae were bred there and shipped from there to Germany. Image: Allis shad breeding plant in Bruch, France, Photograph: P. Beeck [ Enlarge Photo ]


For the shad reproduction ripe adult shads are being caught alive at fish passes in the South West of France.
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Fishes will be transported in circular tanks with artificial current.
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Allis shad release their eggs in batches.
For this reason they will be stimulated with a hormone treatment to release the eggs.
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Spawning takes place in the hatchery.
Rearing tanks (left) and net bags for egg collection (right)

Rearing tanks .
Net bags for egg collection .


Incubation of fertilized eggs in special incubation jars
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Young allis shad from own breeding

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